Journal ID
Publisher: Khatam-Al-Nabieen University
Editor Managing: Mr. Murtaza Haidary (MSc)
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Sayed Hussain Mosawi (Ph.D)
The Afghanistan Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (AJBMS) is an open-access, English-language, peer-reviewed academic journal that provides basic medical sciences articles with a focus on theories, techniques, and applications in the field of basic medical sciences. The journal aims to disseminate opinions, research findings, and scientific achievements in order to enhance the quality of research and educational services in Afghanistan, disseminate scientific knowledge, and bring the latest scientific findings to the nation's scientific community.
The Afghanistan Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (AJBMS) encourages authors to submit their new and innovative works in the form of original research articles, short research articles, case reports, and review articles (systematic review and meta-analysis) according to the principles of the journal to the email address of the journal ([email protected]).
The submitted manuscripts may not be published, accepted for publication, or considered elsewhere. All submissions are subject to peer review by the Editorial Board and by reviewers in appropriate specialties and considered based on importance, novelty, and usefulness to the journal readership. The review procedure may take about 2–3 months to complete. For the accepted papers, if the editor requests that the authors revise the text and make minor changes, the revised version should be submitted within one month. Full details may be found in the section on Instructions to Authors.
The Afghanistan Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (AJBMS) adheres to the ethical professional principles of medical practice. Therefore, the journal welcomes the receipt of authentic research articles that contain new scientific results. Research involving human subjects must follow the guidelines set forth in the 1976 Chronicle of the World Health Organization (30:360–362). Research involving laboratory animals must follow the rules set forth in the Eighth Edition of the National Institutes of Health (Ethical Guidelines Set forth by the Eighth Edition of the National Institutes of Health) for the Care and Use of Animals.
Authors are all referred to in the Statement of Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (Br Med J 1982; 284: 1766–1770; Ann Intern Med 1982; 96: 766-771).
Journal ID
Publisher: Khatam-Al-Nabieen University
Editor Managing: Mr. Murtaza Haidary (MSc)
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Sayed Hussain Mosawi (Ph.D)
Afghanistan Journal of Basic Medical Science Uses iThenticate System for Plagiarism.
The Afghanistan Journal of Basic Medical Science subscribes the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).